How to Trademark a Product Name

The essential steps to trademarking a product name and securing your brand’s identity are research, application, complete product information and more. Navigate the complexities of the trademark process to ensure that your product stands out in the market.

Trademarking is more than just a legal formality—it’s a strategic step to protect your brand from imitations and uphold its genuine value.

In this article, we will dive into the fundamentals of trademarking to boost your brand’s SEO visibility and ensure long-term business success.

Where to Trademark Your Product Name

The primary place to trademark your product name is through your country’s trademark office. In the U.S., this would be the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

In other countries, the specific office might vary, such as the Intellectual Property Office in the UK or the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) in the European Union.

If you plan to sell your product internationally, you should consider trademarking your product name in each key market country.

Do you want to create a unique product name that hasn’t already been trademarked? Make sure to check out our Product Name Generator which will generate thousands of unique names for your product.  In a few simple steps, learn how to register a product name. 

Why the U.S. Market is Pivotal

The United States boasts one of the world’s largest and most influential consumer markets. By ensuring your product name is trademarked in the U.S., you:

  1. Guard against unauthorized use: This prevents other entities from using or profiting from your brand’s reputation.
  2. Strengthen brand identity: Trademarking enforces a consistent brand presence in the vast U.S. marketplace.
  3. Lay the groundwork for potential global expansion: Securing your trademark in the U.S. can act as a foundation when considering international markets in the future.

Navigating the U.S. Trademark Process

  1. Comprehensive search: Before applying, it’s wise to conduct a thorough search using the USPTO’s online database, TESS, to ensure your desired product name isn’t already in use or trademarked.
  2. Submission: Complete and submit the application forms provided by the USPTO.
  3. Review and approval: The USPTO will review your application, which may involve correspondence for clarifications or modifications. Once satisfied, they will grant the trademark.

Why to Trademark the Product Names 

In a world dominated by brands and instant recognition, standing out is both a challenge and a necessity. A trademark is not just a legal term or a formality but a powerful tool in a business’s arsenal. In this section, we cover why it’s important to trademark product names:

Protection against unauthorized use

Trademarks serve as a brand’s shield, protecting it from competitors who might attempt to capitalize on the goodwill and reputation you’ve built. 

When a product name is trademarked, it offers a clear signal to competitors that the name is legally claimed and cannot be used without authorization. This deters potential infringers and ensures that your brand remains distinct in the market.

Maintaining a consistent brand identity

Brand consistency is the cornerstone of recognition and recall in today’s marketplace. Trademarks solidify this consistency, ensuring that no matter where a consumer encounters your brand—be it online, on a product shelf, or in an advertisement—the name and its associated quality remain unambiguous. This consistency fosters brand loyalty and makes marketing efforts more effective.

Upholding legal rights and taking action

A registered trademark isn’t merely a symbolic gesture—it’s a legally enforceable right. With it, you gain the exclusive privilege to use the name in your market sector. 

If someone else tries to use it without permission, you have the legal foundation to challenge them in court. This can prevent revenue loss, brand dilution, and consumer confusion.

Increasing asset value through brand recognition

As a brand increases in popularity and reputation, its associated trademarks also gain value. These can become intangible assets, adding worth to the company’s balance sheet. 

In scenarios like partnerships, mergers, or sales, a well-recognized trademark can significantly enhance the company’s valuation. Furthermore, trademarks can be licensed, generating additional revenue streams.

Fostering consumer trust through authenticity

Consumers often associate trademarked products with quality and authenticity. Seeing a trademark symbol indicates that a company has taken steps to protect its brand, implying a level of commitment and professionalism. 

This can influence purchasing decisions, as consumers might perceive trademarked products as more reliable or of higher quality than non-trademarked counterparts.

How to Trademark a Product Name

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to file a trademark of a product name:

Step 1: Research 

Before diving into the application process, it’s pivotal to ensure that your chosen product name is unique and not already in use or trademarked.

Why do Research

Researching your chosen product name is vital to avoid legal issues and protect your brand’s credibility. It ensures that your name is unique, not trademarked, and doesn’t lead to confusion among consumers. 

Additionally, this research helps you gauge international considerations, secure online presence, and position your product effectively in the market. Ultimately, a well-researched name is an investment in your business’s long-term success and reputation.

Action Steps

  • Use online databases, like the USPTO’s TESS for those in the U.S., to search for existing trademarks.
  • Consider hiring a trademark attorney or using specialized search services to carry out a comprehensive search.

Step 2: Application

To formally start the trademarking process, provide the necessary details to the trademark office.

1. Establish a 

You must log in through a account that employs a two-step authentication. Create and set up your account.

2. Trademark application 

Complete the trademark application process online using the TEAS platform. You can access information regarding trademark fees. It’s important to note that the application fee is a processing fee, and not all applications result in registrations. The fee is non-refundable even if your application does not result in registration. Familiarize yourself with guidelines regarding personal information in trademark records prior to filing.

3. Monitor the application status 

Throughout the whole application procedure, it is your responsibility to keep track of the progress of your application via the Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) system. We strongly recommend checking your application’s status every three to four months following the initial filing to ensure you do not miss any filing deadlines. 

Why You Should Apply

Applying for trademark registration is essential to protect your brand, gain legal rights, enhance credibility, and expand globally. 

A registered trademark signifies your commitment to brand integrity, offering legal recourse against potential infringers. It also adds value to your business, aiding in licensing and global recognition. 

Action Steps

  • Visit your country’s trademark office website or physical office.
  • Obtain, fill out, and submit the required application forms.

Step 3: Provide detailed product information

Give the trademark office a clear understanding of your product and how the name will be associated with it.

Why It’s Necessary

Offering detailed product information to the trademark office is crucial to ensure a clear understanding of your product and how the proposed name will be linked to it. 

This step helps establish the uniqueness and relevance of your trademark, preventing potential conflicts and confusion in the market.

Action Steps

  • Specify the product’s category or class.
  • Describe how the product name will be utilized in commerce, e.g., on packaging, online platforms, or promotional materials.

Step 4: Payment 

Cover the costs associated with the trademark application process. The approximate price for trademarking a product name can vary significantly depending on several factors, including your location, the specific product category, and the number of trademark classes you’re applying for. Here’s a general overview of the costs involved in trademark registration:

  1. Filing fees: These are the initial fees required to submit your trademark application to the relevant government authority. Filing fees can range from around $225 to $350 or more, depending on your jurisdiction.
  2. Examination fees: Some trademark offices charge additional fees for examining your application to ensure it meets all legal requirements. 
  3. Registration fees: Once your trademark is approved, you may need to pay registration fees to finalize the registration process. 
  4. Renewal fees: Trademark registrations are not indefinite, and they require periodic renewal, usually every 5 to 10 years. Renewal fees can vary, expect costs of $300 to $500. 

Why Payment Matters

Covering the costs associated with the trademark application process is crucial to secure legal protection for your product name. 

Action Steps

  • Find out how much does it cost to trademark a product name. Determine the fee structure, which might vary based on the product’s category or the number of classes you’re applying for.
  • Ensure timely payment to avoid any application delays or rejections.

Step 5: Examination

The trademark office evaluates the authenticity and eligibility of your application.

Why Examination Matters

The examination stage is a critical step in the trademark registration process, where the trademark office thoroughly assesses the authenticity and eligibility of your application. 

This evaluation ensures that your proposed trademark meets all legal requirements and does not conflict with existing trademarks, ultimately safeguarding the integrity of the trademark system and preventing potential infringements.

Action Steps

  • Wait for the trademark office to review your submission. This can range from a few weeks to several months.
  • Respond promptly to any queries or clarifications sought by the examining authority.

Step 6: Approval

Receive the green light and confirmation that your product name is now officially trademarked.

Why Approval Matters

Approval is a significant milestone in the trademark registration process. It signifies that your product name is now officially trademarked, granting you exclusive rights to use it with your goods or services. 

Action Steps

  • Upon approval, you’ll be issued a certificate or documentation confirming your trademark rights.
  • Celebrate! This is a milestone in protecting your brand identity.

Step 7: Maintenance

Ensure that your trademark remains valid and enforceable over the years.

Why Maintenance Matters

Maintenance is an ongoing commitment to ensure the continued validity and enforceability of your trademark over the years. It involves several crucial tasks, including monitoring renewal dates, as trademarks are not indefinite and require periodic renewal. 

Action Steps

  • Keep tabs on renewal dates; trademarks aren’t forever and require periodic renewal.
  • Use the trademark consistently and monitor for any unauthorized use, taking legal action if needed.

MORE: How to trademark a business name

When to Trademark a Product Name

Ideally, you should consider trademarking your product name as early as possible, even before launching the product. By doing this, you prevent potential conflicts or costly rebranding efforts in the future. Early trademarking also provides a defense against potential infringement.

What Kind of Products Can be Trademarked?

When it comes to trademark protection, not all product names are treated equally. Here’s a closer look at the criteria that guide the process of trademarking product names:


For a product name to be trademarked, it needs to stand out in the market. Names that are unique, imaginative, or arbitrary have a higher chance of being approved.

Names that are merely descriptive of the product or service they represent can be hard to trademark. For instance, “Cold Ice Cream” would be considered generic and may not be eligible. However, names like “Frosty Delight” would have a better shot as they add a layer of distinctiveness.

Avoiding market confusion

The purpose of trademarks is, in part, to prevent consumer confusion. Therefore, your product name should not be so similar to an existing name that customers could mistakenly associate the two.

If there’s an established brand named “NiteRest” selling mattresses, launching a new brand named “NightRest” might be problematic due to the pronounced similarity.

Adhering to legal directives

Every country has its own set of guidelines detailing what can be trademarked. While there are many universal principles, nuances vary.

Names that are deceptive, scandalous, or that use national symbols might face rejection. Additionally, certain terms reserved for specific industries (like “bank” in the financial sector) could be restricted unless specific criteria are met.

Before applying, familiarize yourself with the specific guidelines of your country’s trademark office. This preemptive step can save time and reduce the risk of application rejection.

Key Takeaways

The process of trademarking a product name is laden with complexities that demand both strategic foresight and an understanding of legal nuances. 

Foremost, recognizing the value of trademarking underscores its significance in the contemporary business landscape. It’s not just about legal protection but also about cementing a brand’s identity, assuring consumers of authenticity, and potentially bolstering the asset value of the brand over time. 

The process, while detailed, emphasizes three main criteria: the distinctiveness of the product name, ensuring it doesn’t sow confusion in the market, and adhering strictly to country-specific legal guidelines.

Moreover, timing plays a pivotal role; trademarking your product name ideally should occur in the early stages of product development or even conception. This preemptive action can mitigate risks, potentially saving both time and financial resources in the long run. 

In essence, trademarking is an investment—proactive measures today can prevent potential brand conflicts and legal entanglements tomorrow.

MORE: Product launch: Everything you need to know

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

To reserve a product name, you can start by filing an "intent-to-use" application with the USPTO if you're in the U.S. This indicates you have plans to use the name in commerce but haven't done so yet. It essentially allows you to reserve the name for future use.

With an "intent-to-use" application in the U.S., the name can be reserved for six months. However, you can request extensions in six-month increments for a total of five extensions, giving you a total potential reservation time of three years.

You can't trademark an existing product. If someone is already using a name but hasn't trademarked it, the process can become complex, potentially involving legal disputes over first use and ownership rights.

Many well-known product names are trademarked. Examples include:
  • Coca-Cola: A globally recognized soft drink.
  • Nike: A major brand in athletic wear and equipment, especially known for its shoes.
  • Apple iPhone: A leading name in the smartphone industry.