Shopify Reports: How to Use Shopify Data 

Shopify reports and analytics provide real-time feedback on campaign performance, thus allowing businesses to make more informed decisions. In this article, learn how to use analytics to improve your business’s results.

In this digital age, understanding data is important for any business aiming to thrive online. Shopify analytics offers a comprehensive suite of tools that empower merchants to harness this data, diving deep into their store’s performance metrics, customer behavior, and marketing campaign outcomes. 

In this article, we’ll look at Shopify analytics, types of Shopify reports and how to use the analytics to make strategic decisions.

What are Shopify Reports?

Shopify Reports serve as an essential, all-in-one tool for monitoring various aspects of performance for anyone managing a Shopify store. Their Reports dashboard is specialized for eCommerce, exceeding the capabilities of standard analytics software, providing critical insights into metrics such as conversion rates, average order sizes, and where your customers are coming from. The user-friendly interface simplifies complex data, making it accessible for both analytics novices and experts to obtain actionable insights.

These Reports don’t just scratch the surface; they enable a deep dive into your store’s operations. You can discover which products are your bestsellers, differentiate between new and returning customers, and identify the most lucrative times for sales. This level of detailed information is crucial for pinpointing any bottlenecks in the customer experience.

If you’re thinking about launching a Shopify store, having a firm grasp of how Shopify Reports function is vital. With this feature, you’re not merely setting up an online shop; you’re equipping yourself with a sophisticated analytics tool set that can help you better understand your customer behavior and optimize your store for success.

Understanding Shopify Analytics and Reports

At its core, Shopify Analytics and Reports aim to provide merchants with information about their store’s operations and customer behaviors, but to effectively leverage its potential, one needs to have a deeper understanding of its components and the story they tell. The following is the breakdown of these components:

1. Sessions and visitors 

These metrics display the number of people visiting your store. While they might seem straightforward, it’s crucial to distinguish between total sessions and unique visitors. For instance, one visitor might account for multiple sessions if they visit the store several times.

2. Sales metrics 

This includes total sales, average order value, and the sales by traffic source. Understanding these metrics can help determine the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and where most revenue originates.

3. Conversion rate 

This data point tells the percentage of visitors who make a purchase. If it’s low despite high traffic, it may indicate issues with product listings, pricing, or the checkout process.

4. Customer metrics 

These metrics encompass data like returning customer rate. A high returning customer rate indicates customer satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Online store behavior 

Here, you can understand the customer journey. Metrics like ‘added to cart’, ‘reached checkout’, and ‘purchased’ can help in identifying bottlenecks where customers drop off.

6. Top selling products

This metric allows merchants to recognize their best-performing products.

7. Traffic sources 

This data divides the incoming traffic based on the source – direct, social, email, or organic search. It helps businesses understand where their marketing efforts are paying off.

To fully harness the power of Shopify Analytics, retailers must be proactive. Merely looking at the numbers isn’t enough; one needs to analyze patterns, recognize anomalies, and use this data to strategize. For example, if a high percentage of visitors abandon at the checkout stage, it might be worth investigating if there are any technical issues or if the checkout process is too complicated.

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Types of Shopify Reports

Shopify reports are designed to provide merchants with a comprehensive view of their store’s performance. Here’s a deeper dive into the various types of reports it offers:

1. Sales Reports:

  • Scope: These reports allow retailers to monitor sales patterns over different time frames.
  • Benefits: You can gauge your store’s performance during specific hours, days, months, or even annually. It’s especially useful during promotional periods, helping businesses adjust their strategies accordingly.
Key MetricsMetric Description
Sales over TimeIndicates the number of orders and total sales over a chosen period. Takes both sales and returns into account. 
Sales by ProductBreaks down sales by individual products, not including shipping costs.
Sales by Product Variant SKUProvides sales data for each product variant, without accounting for shipping costs.
Sales by Product VendorOffers a breakdown of sales based on each vendor you work with.
Sales by DiscountCategorizes sales based on the name of discounts applied during purchase.
Sales by Traffic ReferrerIdentifies the origin of sales, like specific web-pages, online ads, or search engine queries.
Sales by Billing LocationOrganizes sales data by the geographical location of the billing address.
Sales by Checkout CurrencyEnumerates sales based on the currency used at checkout, beneficial for international sellers.
Sales by ChannelSorts sales by the platforms they came from, such as Facebook, Point-of-Sale (POS), or your Shopify Online Store.
Sales by Customer NameShows sales data grouped by individual customers over a selected time period.
Average Order Value over TimeTracks how the average value of orders has evolved over a specified timeframe.

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2. Customers Reports:

  • Scope: Dive into the demographics and behavior of your customer base.
  • Benefits: Unearth insights about your customers’ geographic locations, spending patterns, and loyalty. Knowing if they’re repeat buyers or first-time visitors can influence marketing and sales strategies.
Key MetricsMetric Description
Customers over TimeDisplays the number of customers who have placed orders within a specific time range.
First-Time vs Returning Customer SalesCompares the sales value between new and returning customers.
Customers by LocationShows data related to orders and spend based on the customer’s geographic location.
Returning CustomersProvides details on customers who have made two or more orders.
One-Time CustomersReveals data about customers who have made only one purchase.
At-Risk CustomersShows data on returning customers who haven’t made a new purchase in a while.
Loyal CustomersContains data on customers who frequently make purchases from your store.

3. Behavior Reports:

  • Scope: A window into how visitors engage with your online storefront.
  • Benefits: Determine which pages of your store are the most visited, how much time customers are spending browsing, and identify potential roadblocks where they may be abandoning their journey, such as during the checkout process.
Key MetricsMetric Description
Online Store Conversion Over TimeIndicates the percentage of online store visitors who have made a purchase within a specified time period.
Online Store SpeedCompares your store’s speed against industry benchmarks and other Shopify stores.
Product Recommendation Conversions Over TimeMeasures the effectiveness of converting product recommendations into sales.
Top Online Store SearchesReveals the search terms customers are using most often in your online store. Includes a separate report for searches yielding no results.
Sessions by Landing PageIdentifies which pages visitors are landing on when they first arrive at your online store.
Sessions by DeviceShows which types of devices are most commonly used to access your online store.
Online Store Cart AnalysisIdentifies products that are frequently added together to the cart, providing insights for potential product bundles and upselling.

4. Marketing Reports:

  • Scope: Measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
  • Benefits: Track the influx of visitors and sales conversions resulting from specific marketing campaigns. This helps in allocating resources to channels that offer the best return on investment.
Key MetricsMetric Description
Sales Attributed to MarketingReveals the number of sales generated from specific marketing campaigns or channels.
Sessions Attributed to MarketingIndicates the volume of web traffic coming from individual marketing initiatives.
Conversion by First InteractionShows order counts and average order values from first-time visitors, helping you understand which marketing channels are most effective for customer acquisition.
Conversion by Last InteractionHighlights the number of orders placed by customers who haven’t returned to your site since their last purchase.
Attribution Model ComparisonCompares data between first and last interactions to help you understand customer retention and potential drop-off points.

5. Acquisition Reports:

  • Scope: Find out how you are acquiring new customers and from which channels they are coming. 
  • Benefits: Understanding your customer acquisition channels allows you to invest wisely in advertising. You can find out which sources—like social media, organic search, or direct traffic—are most effective for gaining new customers.
Key MetricsMetric Description
Sessions over TimeMeasures the count of visitors within a specified time frame. 
Sessions by ReferrerReveals the origin of your web traffic by enumerating visitors and sessions that are referred from various sources like social media ads or affiliate links.
Sessions by LocationSpecifies the geographic regions and countries from which users are accessing your website.

6. Inventory Reports:

  • Scope: These reports provide information about stock levels, sales rates, and product availability. 
  • Benefits: Inventory reports help in avoiding overstock situations, thereby optimizing your inventory costs and improving customer satisfaction.
Key MetricsMetric Description
Month-End Inventory SnapshotProvides a tally of remaining stock for each product variant at the end of each month.
Average Inventory Sold Per DayReveals the average daily sales for each product variant, aiding in restocking decisions.
Percent of Inventory SoldDisplays the percentage of each product variant sold during a user-defined period.
ABC Analysis by ProductAssigns a letter grade to each product variant based on its contribution to overall sales.
Product Sell-Through RateShows the percentage of total inventory sold during a selected timeframe.
Days of Inventory RemainingEstimates the lifespan of your current inventory based on historical sales data for available products.

7. Order Reports:

  • Scope: Check details related to orders placed on your site. 
  • Benefits: These reports track order statuses, abandoned carts, and completed purchases to pinpoint areas for improvement in the ordering process.
Key MetricsMetric Description
Orders Over TimeTracks the number of orders delivered during a specified period, offering insights into sales trends.
Fulfillment, Shipping, and Delivery TimesMeasures the time from the moment an order is placed to its final delivery, helping you assess the efficiency of your fulfillment process.
Fulfillment Over TimeReveals the total count of orders that have been fulfilled, shipped, or delivered during a chosen timeframe, which can help in workload planning and operational improvements.

8. Profit Reports:

  • Scope: A comprehensive look at your profitability, including revenue, costs, and margins. 
  • Benefits: Profit reports are vital for business sustainability, helping you identify which products are most profitable and which may be draining resources.
Key MetricsMetric Description
Profit by ProductDisplays the total profit earned from each product over a specified time period. 
Profit by Product Variant SKUProvides a breakdown of profits for individual product variants during a chosen timeframe. Helps customization of inventory and promotional strategies for specific versions.
Profit by Point of Sale LocationReveals gross profits by each point-of-sale location. 

9. Retail Sales Reports:

  • Scope: These are specialized reports geared toward brick-and-mortar retail sales. 
  • Benefits: Gain insights into in-store behavior, peak shopping times, and popular in-store products, aiding in staff allocation and inventory planning.
Key MetricsMetric Description
Retail Sales by ProductProvides a breakdown of total sales by product, excluding shipping costs. 
Retail Sales by Product Variant SKUOffers a detailed breakdown of sales by each product variant, without including shipping costs. Helps in pinpointing which variants are more popular.
Retail Sales by Product VendorCompares sales data by vendor, showcasing how each vendor’s products perform. Grouped by Point of Sale (POS) location, it’s useful for supply chain decisions.
Retail Sales by Product TypeHighlights sales of specific types of products, organized by POS location. 
Retail Sales by Point of Sale LocationReveals total sales from each retail location, helping you identify the best and worst-performing outlets.
Retail Sales by Staff at RegisterDisplays sales made by each staff member at the register. 
Retail Sales by Staff Who Helped with SaleHighlights sales attributed to staff who assisted in line-item sales at checkout. Key for monitoring employee performance and incentives.

10. Custom Reports:

  • Scope: Custom reports allow you to build specialized reports based on unique business needs. 
  • Benefits: You can tailor your data analysis to focus on specific metrics or time frames that are particularly important for your business strategies.

11. Shopify Reporting Apps:

  • Scope: These are third-party applications designed to enhance Shopify’s default reporting capabilities. 
  • Benefits: These apps can offer more advanced analytics, automated report generation, and specialized data visualizations to provide deeper insights into your business performance.

Each report category serves a unique purpose, offering merchants the tools to make informed, data-driven decisions to refine their business model, enhance customer experience, and ultimately, drive higher sales and profitability.

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How to Use Shopify Reports

Whether you’re looking to gauge sales trends, track customer behaviors, or measure the success of marketing campaigns, Shopify’s built-in analytics has got you covered.

Accessing Shopify Analytics:

Step 1: Log In

Start by logging into your Shopify admin portal using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to analytics

Once inside, look to the left-hand sidebar and find the option labeled “Analytics.” This section serves as the hub for all the data-related insights your store has accumulated.

Step 3: Explore the dashboard

After clicking on “Analytics,” you’ll land on the ‘Dashboard’. This area provides a snapshot of your store’s current and recent performance, presenting key metrics such as total sales, visitor counts, conversion rates, and more at a glance.

Step 4: Dive into reports 

If you wish to dive deeper into specific areas of your store’s performance, click on the ‘Reports’ option. This will take you to a comprehensive list of available reports. Here, you can explore everything from detailed sales data segmented by product or time period, to customer acquisition sources, behaviors, and more. Each report can be customized based on the date range or other specific criteria you wish to analyze.

How to Analyze Shopify Reports

When analyzing data, make sure to consider the following: 

Trends Over Time

  • When you observe your data over extended periods, certain patterns or trends often emerge. For instance, do you notice an increase in sales during weekends or a particular time of the day? Maybe there’s a recurring dip in activity during a particular month or season.
  • Identifying these patterns is crucial. If you’re witnessing spikes on specific days, you might consider intensifying your marketing efforts during these times. Conversely, during slow periods, you might launch special promotions to boost sales.

Top Products

  • Keeping track of your best sellers is essential for multiple reasons. Not only does it give you insights into what’s popular among your clientele, but it can also influence your inventory decisions.
  • By identifying which products are flying off the shelves, you can ensure that proper stock levels are maintained for them. Furthermore, understanding the popularity of certain products can guide product development and promotional strategies.

Customer Behavior

  • Analyzing the behavior of visitors on your site can offer a wealth of information. For instance, you can find out how often customers return to make additional purchases.
  • High exit rates on specific pages can be concerning. Is there something off-putting or confusing on these pages? It’s essential to address any underlying issues, enhancing the user experience and, by extension, boosting conversion rates.

Traffic Sources

  • By understanding where your traffic originates, you can gauge the effectiveness of your various marketing strategies. Are your social media campaigns drawing in a significant number of visitors? Or is organic search your primary traffic driver?
  • Recognizing the most effective sources of traffic allows you to allocate your marketing budget more wisely. For example, if you notice that paid advertising is bringing in a substantial portion of your visitors, you might consider increasing your ad spend in this area.

Takeaway Points

Shopify Reports and Analytics is a valuable tool that offers insights into your store’s performance. Regularly checking and understanding your analytics can guide business decisions, from branding and marketing strategies to product stocking. While Shopify Analytics is comprehensive, combining it with other tools like Google Analytics can provide even deeper insights into customer behavior. 

Remember that by analyzing your store’s performance regularly, you’ll be on your way to making great progress and achieving success in business. And if you are just starting out on your Shopify store journey, or looking to refresh your Shopify store name, then use our Shopify store name generator to select a memorable store name in seconds. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Yes, Shopify offers its own data analytics tools. The platform provides built-in analytics that helps merchants track their store's performance over time. This includes data on sales, visitors, sources of traffic, etc.

Once you have a Shopify store set up, you can access its analytics by logging into your Shopify admin panel and clicking on the "Analytics" option in the sidebar. Here, you'll find various reports and data based on your store's performance.

  • Shopify Analytics provides metrics specifically tailored for eCommerce, such as sales data, visitor numbers, order values, and conversion rates. It's built into the Shopify platform and offers insights into store-specific actions.
  • Google Analytics can be integrated with Shopify and tailored for e-commerce, it's a more comprehensive tool that tracks website traffic and provides insights into user behavior, demographics, and more. It's a broader tool suitable for all kinds of websites, not just eCommerce.

Google Analytics itself is free, and you can integrate it with your Shopify store at no extra charge.

Shopify is designed with SEO in mind. It allows for key SEO practices like customizing meta tags, adding alt texts to images, and creating SEO-friendly URLs. It also automatically generates a sitemap for your store. However, like any platform, optimal SEO results often require additional efforts and possibly the use of third-party SEO apps to further enhance store optimization.

Yes, you can generate a variety of reports from Shopify, provided you have the necessary permissions to access the Reports section in your Shopify admin.

Advanced reports in Shopify offer a more in-depth look at your store's performance metrics, beyond the standard reports available. These are particularly useful for larger businesses or those with more complex analytics needs.

The cost of accessing Shopify's reporting features depends on your subscription plan. The Basic Shopify plan starts at $29 per month, the Shopify plan is $79 per month, and the Advanced Shopify plan is $299 per month. Shopify Plus pricing is custom and generally starts at around $2000 per month.